“I would not have wanted to miss this sound journey. A journey in which time does not exist. A journey in a different but completely autonomous reality. As you move from space to space. From sensation to sensation. And the journey just didn’t end and that was completely fine. An eternity of about 50 minutes through the parallel cosmos of the sound sorcerer. Unforgettable and beautiful!”

“It is difficult for me to put into words what I experienced and felt … then I was taken again in a horse-drawn sleigh, with wolves chasing me, then it was more friendly again, rivers, birds … then again I was in a freight train, going right through the menacing immense forest, fearful. It was quite an experience Rob! Very beautifully done. Thank you so much for allowing me to experience this.”

“The deep rumble created the feeling as if I was flying in a spaceship around Jupiter. After landing on a jungle planet we traversed between the animals as other spaceships were landing.
I got into the trance, time was not in my head anymore. The round speakers looked like planets.”

“Laying down on the ground in a palpable field of sound between the two wooden speakers and the two subwoofers, I felt like I was taken along on a space journey. Perhaps the name Sound Sourcing had already primed my imagination by the word Source; the Source of ALL. I would describe the images and experiences that I gained as the development of Existence, starting from the undifferentiated protoplasm to the differentiated life forms such as man.
(“In the beginning there was the sound.”)
My inner journey began with images of a great Black void. On closer inspection, it was dynamic. It turned out to be alive. Dynamic Stuff. Protoplasm in motion, in a great swirling mass that miraculously formed into what I would imagine ‘the universe’ to be.
I first saw/experienced life in the “form” of an as yet undifferentiated space-time continuum. The vast black space, then the formation of the galaxies. The universe as 1 living, dynamic energy form.
Thereafter, the sound of this living universe evolved into ever more differentiated life forms. First I heard/saw a kind of bacteria blob. Suddenly there was a big leap forward. Dark frightening sounds triggered something in my reptilian brain. I imagined myself in the world of the dinosaurs. The initial fear gave way to admiration for these beautiful, mighty Dragons.
The all-underlying source always remained audible in the background, or rather as an underlying layer; the space.
Again it took a leap further and the story of my experience landed more on Earth. First in a high cave, I heard water dripping from the ceiling. The cave space became more and more hospitable, livable for humans.
Once arrived at the human being, everything felt more and more “recognizable” to me. My body began to participate in the whole experience. The tactile vibrations of the sound sometimes induced involuntary movements in me. I became more aware of the ground on which I lay. Felt the need to get more grounded from the floating experience. It was comfortable under the blanket, on the sheepskin. I pressed my body onto the ground with all the force I had, as if to feel the experience of gravity better. That I am here and alive, that I have a shape, and not just a shape, but specifically a human shape, at least at this moment.
At the end of this concert you repeated the sound AUM over and over. Everything resonated within me.
AUM wanted to be expressed, also through me. “My” AUM resonated with “your” AUM. The vibration seemed to originate from the center of my heart. The increasingly intense vibration made me feel as if my body would fragment into countless particles, as if it were the expanding universe itself. And at the same time it brought with it an unmistakable sense of human physicality, embodiment.
Both experiences were possible at the same time. Beyond the contradiction. “

“Upon entering, an Aum-like sound is playing very softly. The primal sound from which everything comes. Very restful. Immediately I closed my eyes and felt at home in the live soundscape. I heard a wide sound river, in the ultra-low register and along the way sometimes higher and sometimes pulsating sounds were carried along in this primal river. In the middle the sound river fell away and I became carried along by sounds in the high register culminating again in the sound river that eventually fades away. To my surprise I thought I had been lying there for 30 minutes, but in reality it had been 50 minutes.”

During the concert I was very relaxed and felt comfortable laying on the sheepskin. Open minded I let myself be carried away by the flow of the sound, I did not only hear the sound, but also felt it. And it was good. I felt a lot of confidence in you because I was literally on the ground with my eyes closed in front of you.The special thing was that the experience was created together with you on the spot, making it a unique experience. Being a private concert felt special to me.A nice effect was that I kept a deep feeling of calm and relaxation throughout the day. I did not expect this.
In short, a valuable experience!

A scent of sandalwood awaits you. A serene space with two hanging wooden circles on the left and right, two white standing objects. Between these two circles two mattresses with sheepskin on the floor. Two people are invited to lie down here. For the mattresses a small sound device in a wooden cabinet that will be operated by Rob Sweere. Upon entering, an Aum-like sound is playing very softly. The primal sound from which everything comes. Very restful. Two people are invited to experience the sound experience, because it is about experiencing the sound and feeling what this evokes in you. Rob Sweere creates live sounds with his voice and through this a soundscape is created that consists of several layers. Immediately I closed my eyes and felt at home in the live soundscape. I heard a wide sound river, in the ultra-low register and along the way sometimes higher and sometimes pulsating sounds were carried along in this primal river. In the middle the sound river fell away and I became carried along by sounds in the high register culminating again in the sound river that eventually fades away. To my surprise I thought I had been lying there for 30 minutes, but in reality it had been 50 minutes.

I had more images than text, it was a very special experience.
Soundsourcing experience.
It was a time travel, time literally because this sound experience adventure felt like an experience of 15 minutes instead of 50 minutes.
And a journey because it was a journey of body and mind, comfortably lying on the ground, thanks to the special sounds made with your voice from the fine speakers.
The deep heavy bass tones and sound vibrations in the beginning (vibration in my ear) organically growing to alternating with lighter tones of your voice were a nice experience. From a heavy earth feeling to a jungle of light vivid bird-like sounds (the owl-like tones that tickled my crown) from gray dark to bright sparkling colors: sap green and yellow and splashing water blue. Many images were reviewed.
It was like a meditation, a timeless experience, ending without thoughts. Beautiful.
Thanks for this adventure!

What I have experienced.
I am still silent, not thinking in words, feeling? mmm that might approach it the beginning was ……… .. uncomfortable suddenly i realized it was only made with your voice that distracted me, for a moment, it asked for a different concentration from the one I started listening to by concentrating on my breathing and “opening” my lying position (TaiChi) I was soon there
In that deep experience in which everything is independent of any interpretation whatsoever, silent, non-frightening emptiness in that pleasant emptiness, conscious and without consciousness, only experience of which I was then again aware (floating?) as for creation
Later when you started making the water noises I got cold (that disturbed the concentration at first) but again the concentration increased and the distraction switched off with breathing and TaiChi (you could interpret this as hard work for me but it was not at all, it was rather a fluid response to the things that disturbed me and accompanied by your sound)
Here I ended up in a similar scene as in stalker, on the spot with the grass pollen / islands but also more as an experience than as a real vision
Meanwhile, thoughts just went their own way
I think you know it if you sit in the right posture you are aware of this and you perform it at its best (in the taichi meditation we are talking about sitting) but slowly the thoughts seep in, until you become aware of them and reposition yourself in the correct posture
In this case experiencing and undergoing your voice ……….
In the end I felt or perceived that you were working towards the end
Without really consciously taking this into account when drifting along in your sonic experience
I just floated along… .enjoying the overtones (I always experience them as very welcome) …… ..and yet … the end came abruptly or ………. was experienced as abrupt ……. did it have to be longer? …… was it enough? ……… .. I don’t know …… yes…. no… .. yes an ending is good
I would like to hear this all night, just turn it on at bedtime and turn it off after getting up, poor you if you had to perform that live;)) and yes, just sleeping in between… ..this could be very therapeutic, or is it better to say that it increases inner peace.
I want to be careful not to call this therapeutic because it is more than that, much more
It is very special what you allowed me to experience, thank you
With only the human voice as the main instrument, controlled by your device and special reproduction equipment, you take the listener to worlds that you do not know but have thought possible.
undergoing this audio experience, and last but not least, the aesthetic setting in which it takes place, enables the listener to create a world from deep within his own inner experience that leaves a great impression….
An absolute enrichment
Thanks again Rob for the beautiful soundscape experience!
It was a special journey through different places. A meditative adventure where your senses are fully opened.
To be continued!
A delightful journey along a tropical island with many birds and a gentle breeze. Rob’s sound sourcing project is a special experience to experience. The experience is unique and completely subjective because your eyes are closed and you are at the mercy of the sounds that meet you. It’s amazing how Rob manages to bring the listener with his voice and the resonance of a self-designed installation to a totally fictional world. Where the 45 minute sound journey begins with an almost dissonant sound, which evokes tension and unrest, it gradually flows into a meditative sound jungle where you arrive between sleep and wakefulness in a form of consciousness. Completely relaxed!
Just my experience:
I thought it was a wonderful journey, your installation.
At first I had a lot of associations with transcendent meditation-like spheres. Incense and mats with purple / burgundy pads in combination with serene white, quickly push me in that direction.
The first sounds you made too. Fortunately, it soon became much more than that. Deep vibrations reached my whole body and strange noises pricked up my ears.
I am curious if you can also make inaudible sounds (frequencies that our ears cannot perceive) but that we do feel the vibrations of those sound waves.
I was very much aware of your physical presence.
I felt a little watched by you. In this setting you are also quite close together. That distance may be bigger for me.
Thank you Rob for allowing me to be part of this installation! Very nice to experience!